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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Employee Topics  > Editing Employees Times > Edit Employee Clock In And Outs > Changing Clock Ins and Out

Changing Clock Ins and Out

To Change a Clock In/Out time, from the Main Menu go to Edit > Employee Times.

For more information on that page see Edit Employee Clock In And Outs.

Select the Employee from the drop down list.


Change to the weekly view by clicking on the Week button at the top right hand side of the page (see highlighted below)


You should a page similar to


To change the end date of a Clock In/Out click and drag the two lines at the bottom of the Clock In/Out (highlighted above).  In this case the end time has been changed to 2 p.m. (see the result of this below)


In addition, entire Clock In/Outs can be dragged and dropped - in the example below the Thursday Clock In/Out has been dragged to Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.


See also