Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Getting Started > Factory Clock In and Out
Factory Clock In and Out
To see a video tutorial of how Employees Clock In And Out, click here.
At the start of the day and after lunch each Employee should Clock In to Empower Time Track. This tells Empower Time Track that the Employee is available for work.
At the end of the day and before lunch each Employee should Clock Out of Empower Time Track. This tells Empower Time Track that the Employee is not available for work.
Each Employee has a login ID number that they use to identify themselves.
To find each Employee’s login ID open the Management version and, from the Main Menu, go to Setup > Employee. See also Setting Up Employees.
After clicking on either Add New or Edit you should see the Employee's Login Id.
This Employee’s Login Id is as highlighted above.
This is What the Employee will use to identify himself to Empower Time Track with.
Or alternatively you can print off a report showing each Employee’s Login ID.
To do this, from the Management Main Menu, go to Reports > Employee > Current Employees.
If Employees have difficulty remembering their Login ID, print this off and attach to the Factory PC or device for Employees to refer to.
After switching to the Factory version, we will Clock In to the factory
Enter the Employee's Id and click on Clock In.
At the end of each day (and also before lunch should you require) the Employee will need to Clock Out of Empower Time Track. This tells Empower Time Track that the Employee is unavailable.
Note that the "Please enter password if required" field can be hidden if not required - see Hiding the Enter password if required field.
It is also possible to use a picture of your Employee to clock in or out - see Facial Recognition
See also
Lunch Breaks
Smoko Breaks
Facial Recognition
Hiding the Green Clock In Button
Phone App
See also