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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Job Topics > Job Priority

Job Priority

1. Tasks 
on the Employee's Factory Manufacturing start stop page are ordered as follows

  • Any Active Tasks will be at the top, followed by On Hold Tasks and then Yet to Start Tasks
  • Yet To Start Tasks are ordered by Priority
  • If more than one Yet To Start Task has the same Priority, the Tasks are Ordered by Required by Date.

2. Empower ships with a Default Priority set at 2.  To change this, from the Main Management Menu go to Tools > Settings and select the Job tab (highlighted below).

Note that only an Administrator can alter this setting.

You should see a page similar to


Altering the default Priority in this page will alter the default Priority when entering a Job (highlighted below). See also Introducing Jobs.  Note that when entering or editing a Job, this default Priority can be over written.  


3.  Customers can also be assigned a Priority meaning all Jobs created for that Customer will have the same Priority.  A Customer Priority overrides the default Priority referred to above.

     To set up Customer Priorities, from the Main Management Menu, select Tools > Settings - then click on the Job tab and then Advanced (see highlighted below)

   Clicking on the Advanced button displays a number of additional advanced settings.

   Ensure that Allow Auto Dispatch is set to On (as displayed below).


   Now in the Set Up Customer and Edit Customer pages an additional Field called Priority will be displayed (see highlighted below). 

  Entering a value in this field will ensure all new Jobs created for that Customer have this Priority.


4. There are several ways to alter the Priority.


From Job > Edit a Job.


The Priority of a particular Task can be altered in Task > Edit Task.


Or by clicking on the Priority in the Task > Start and End page of the Management Version.


See also