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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Scheduling Topics > Locking Tasks > Lock Tasks

Lock Tasks

It is possible to lock a Scheduled Task so that the Task's Scheduled date will not be changed when

There are several ways to Lock or Unlock a Task.

1.  From a Schedule

Clicking on a Task in the Schedule (see highlighted below)


displays the following pop up.


Clicking on Lock will lock the Task and a small padlock will be displayed in the Schedule (see below)


To unlock the Tasks click on the Task - the following pop up will be displayed

And click on Unlock (see highlighted above)

2.  Highlighting by Job 

This option highlights a specific Job (or Jobs) in a color (or colors) of your choosing.

3.  From the Job > View > View Job page

From this page you can click on Edit next to the Task to be Locked (see highlighted below) and change the Is Locked status - note that only Tasks that are locked will have a value in the Is Locked column in this page.  


4.  From the Task > Edit Task page

From this page, change the Task Locked field (see highlighted below).

5.  To run a report on Locked Tasks between two dates, from the Main Management Menu select Reports > Tasks > Locked Tasks.  

From the Job > Edit Job page it is possible to Lock All Tasks In a Job.

7.  It is also possible to Lock or Unlock all Scheduled Tasks between two dates - see Lock /Unlock All Tasks.

8. Tasks that are Split Tasks wil automatically be Locked. 

 See also