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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Introduction > Terminology


The following terminology is used throughout Empower

  • Account Version
The Account version is the part of Empower Cloud, where you can set up new User Logins, change passwords etc. 

  • Actual Time 
Each Task has an Actual Time which is the time actually worked on the Task.

  • Administrator 
An Administrator is a high level security role.

  • Assigning 
Tasks are Assigned (or allocated) to a number of Employees or a number of Work Centers.

  • Attachment
An Attachment is any type of file that can be attached to a Product in a particular Job.  For example you may attach a drawing or a spreadsheet.  You can have an unlimited number of Attachments for each Product.  Attachments can also be attached to a Product (as opposed to a Product in a particular Job) which will then automatically be added to that Product in all Jobs that have that product in them.

    • Budgeted Time
    Each Task has a Budgeted Time which is the time you expect it to be completed in.  For example you may expect that the time to assemble a table is 80 minutes.

    • Capacity
    Capacity is a measure of the amount of work that can be carried out in a time frame (e.g. if you have 1 person in your assembly area working an 8 hour day - you may say you have an assembly capacity of 8 hours per day.
                 Scheduling Capacity

    • Checklists
    Checklists are lists of questions to be answered by Employees with either with a Yes or No or a comment.  

    • Clock In and Clock Out
      Employees Clock In at the start of the day and Clock Out at the end of the day and lunch time.
      Factory Clockin and Out

    • Company Vacation
    A Company Vacation is a day that your business is closed - no Tasks will be scheduled on a Company Vacation.

    • Downtime
    A Downtime is a Task that includes non productive times such as overheads.

    • Employee

    An Employee is a person (whether they are employed by you or not) who you want to track their time.
    Setting Up Employees

    • Employee Group

    An Employee Group is a group or team of Employees that always work on (and always Start and Finish) Tasks at the same time.
    Employee Groups  

    • Factory Version

    This is the version of Empower Time Track that Employees use to track their time.
    Factory Role

    • Facial Recognition

    Facial recognition allows for a camera to identify an Employee.
    Facial Recognition

    • Gantt Chart

    A Gantt Chart is a type of graphical bar graph that displays Tasks, dates and related information based on the Schedule.
    Gantt Charts

    • Job

    A Job is piece of work.  Usually it is something you get from your Customer and often a Job will result in you sending your Customer an invoice or an account.  An Job can comprise of one or more Products. 

    Each Job needs a unique description that Empower Time Track calls the Job Number.  Your organization may know the Job Number as the job name in your business. 

    • Job Group 
    A Job Group is a group of Jobs to be reported on. For example you may have a Customer who wants a fit out of a multi level apartment building at 15 Smith Street.  You may have multiple Jobs (level 1 Job, Level 2 Job, Level 3 Job, etc) and the Job Group may be called Smith Street or it may have a contract number etc.
    Job Group

    • Job Number

     The Job Number is the unique name or number given to a Job - you may know this as the job name.


    • Kanban Cards

     Kanban originated in Japan at Toyota in the 1950s to support lean manufacturing and just in time manufacturing.  Empower provides the ability to create and print Kanban cards.


    • Leave Type

    A Leave Type is the name for a type of leave – examples could be Annual Leave, Sick Leave, etc.

    You can set up an unlimited number of leave types and name them whatever you wish.
    Set Up Leave Types

    • Log In and Log Out

    Employees Log In and Log Out of Tasks – this is how Actual Time is recorded.
    Factory Login and Log out

    • Management Version
      This version of Empower Time Track provides full setup, edit, control and reporting facilities.
              Management Role

    • Phone App
        Empower has a phone app available from the Google Play store.
        Phone App  

    • Process 

    A Process is a manufacturing operation – examples of Processes are cut, assemble, paint, etc. You can have an unlimited number of Processes and name them whatever you wish. 
    Setting Up Processes

    • Process Group

    A Process Group is a group of Processes.  For example you may decide to have a Process Group called Machine Shop. And you may have a various Processes in that Process Group, e.g. Cut, Edge, Press, etc.
    Process Groups

    • Product 

    Products are items you manufacture.  They can be complete Products or parts of complete Products.

    • Product Group

    A Product Group is a grouping of Products or Product Types.  For example you may decide to have a Product Group called Tables. And you may have a various Products in that Product Group, e.g. board table, kitchen table, etc.
    Product Groups

    • Project
    A Project is a grouping, a batch or a run of Tasks.  Several Tasks e.g. cutting table tops or several different Tasks e.g. cut panel, edge band panel and assemble can be grouped together into a single Task called a Project.  Projects can be Assigned to one or more Employees. 

    • Rework

    A Rework is a Task required to be done again due to an error or mistake that was made.

    • Schedule

    Empower provide fast and easy to create Schedules.  Scheduling allows you to create an unlimited number of customizable reports - both tabular and graphical that report on required Task completion dates so you can meet deadlines and support Capacity Planning.  Schedule Types can be set up to schedule backwards  from a date or forwards from a date or a combination of both forward and backward.  
    Introduction to Scheduling
    View Schedule

    • Sequence

    A sequence is a type of link between two Tasks - for example imagine making something that has two steps  - Step one that must be started before Step 2.  It is possible to set up a Sequence between Tasks - eg Task 2 cannot be started until Task 1 has been started.
    Auto Sequencing


    • Simultaneous Tasks

    Normally an Employee can only work on one Tasks at a time.  Simultaneous Tasks allows the Employee to work on more than one Task.  You can set the maximum number of Tasks that can be worked on simultaneously. 
    Introduction to Projects
    Simultaneous Tasks 

    • Special Instructions
                  Special Instructions are instructions that can be read by the Employee in the factory each time the green button is selected in the Job Start Stop page.
       Special Instructions

      • Split Tasks
       When using Scheduling and Capacity Planning, Tasks can be split across multiple days eg a 24 hour Task to be Finished on Friday can be split in 3 to have 8 hours each on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 
       Split Tasks

      • Strict Smoko Times
      Smoko breaks are tea/coffee/morning and afternoon tea breaks that Employees have.  Empower allows for the enforcement of strictly enforced Smoko Times - for more information see 
      Strict Smoko Times
      Smoko Breaks

      • Sub Factories

      A Sub Factory is a part of your organisation.  You may think of a Sub Factory as a separate Factory in a separate physical location, or a department, or a group of Employees.  Sub Factories allow you to filter out or see only selected Employees.    A Sub Factory can have multiple Work Centers in it.
      Sub Factories
      Work Centers

      • Task  

      A Task is a manufacturing step carried out by an Employee to make a Product – examples of Tasks are “Cut Table Legs” or “Assemble Table”.   Tasks have Actual Times and Budgeted Times and Task Statuses associated with them.  A Task can be Assigned (or given) to one or more Employees.

      • Task Status

      Each Task has a Status which can be Yet to Start, On Hold, Active or Finished.

      • Time Left

      The amount of time left on a Task, e.g. if a Task has a budget of 5 hours and that Task has been worked on (the Actual Time) for 3 hours, the Time Left is 5 - 3 = 2 hours.


      • Track Report

      Track Reports allows you to create an unlimited number of easily customized graphical reports that report on Job and Task statuses for specific Processes that you choose.
      Introduction to Track Reports 

      • Underlying Tasks

      Underlying Tasks are Tasks that are grouped together to make up a Project.
      Introducing Tasks   

      • Work Center

      A Work Center is a group of Employees.
      Work Centers
      Sub Factories

      See also