“Empower have completed Stage 1 development of 2 interfaces from Cabinet Vision to Empower. The first interface automatically transfers New Job and Client information from Cabinet Vision to Empower. The second interface transfers Bill Of Materials (BOM) listing of materials description, materials code and materials quantity per Job from Cabinet Vision to Empower for Empower to then generate Purchase Orders and to Stock Control. These interfaces will save a lot of unnecessary wasted time entering considerable same data into two systems for every new Job.
Empower’s development of the Microvellum to Empower interfaces are also under development and available shortly.
These interfaces will help Empower’s existing clients and will attract new clients to Empower Software who are currently using Cabinet Vision and Microvellum throughout Australasia and internationally. For those readers who are not aware Cabinet Vision and Microvelum are two of the largest and most recognised international AutoCAD based design, costing and machining software products and brands to joinery industries.”