Australasian Manufacturers’ Statistics on Workshop Productivity Increases may be World’s Highest – August 2022

Australasian Manufacturers’ Statistics on Workshop Productivity Increases may be World’s Highest – August 2022

Research undertaken over 20 years across 82 New Zealand and Australian jobbing manufacturing and engineering businesses using PCs on workshop floor, 50 inch TV screens in office and workshop floor with real time production information and the Empower Software App has produced the following statistics.

To our knowledge these statistics are both the most comprehensive research available (82 businesses involved) and the highest productivity increases confirmed in the world. Manufacturing and engineering businesses using this technology reduced their labour time on Jobs by 23.56% therefore they reduced their labour cost on jobs by 23.58%. To put a 23.56% reduction on labour cost on jobs in perspective this is projected to projected to increase manufacturers annual profit by approximately 60%.

For full editorial click on NZ Manufacturer August 2022 by Media Hawkes Bay Limited – Issuu, and turn to page 9