The Woodsmiths (Maungatoroto)

The Woodsmiths (Maungatoroto)

I estimate that without Empower Software Jobs would slowly slip back to taking 20% longer time.

I estimate that without Empower Software Overhead Jobs and all other forms of Unproductive time would slowly slip back to taking 50% longer time.

“15 years ago we used paper based manual time sheets for workshop staff to record their time on their jobs, which provided us with information that was “too little, too inaccurate, too late and too expensive to produce”. Then we progressed to electronic punch cards.  Then we progressed to Empower Software.  It would be a big step “backwards” for us to go back to electronic punch cards and it would be an even bigger step “backwards” to manual time sheets”

Tony Boakes, Operations Manager, 021 228 3921
