It is early days but I estimate that our labour times on Jobs are 20% less using Empower so our labour cost on Jobs has reduced by 20%, which is substantial
“When we implemented Empower for a month we ran manual time sheets in parallel with Empower to be genuinely shocked as to how vastly inaccurate manual time sheets were. Manual time sheets is information “too little, too late, too inaccurate and too expensive to produce”. Further manual time sheets did not make any of our staff time aware, time transparent or time focused
Empower saves us 5 hours per week in administration time rekeying in manual time sheets to Job Cost which at $80 per hour labour overhead cost was costing us $400 per week $20,000 per year.”
Rick Martin (Director) and Cameron Auld (Factory and Installation Team Leader)
06 844 6105 / 021 532 269