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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Employee Topics  > Time Sheet Set Up

Time Sheet Set Up

There are a number of T
ime Sheet settings that can be accessed from the Settings page.  Note that only an Administrator can alter these settings.

To access them go to Tools > Settings. 


The following can be set: 

  • First Day of Working Week

Set the first day of the working pay week.

  • Start of Working Day

Set the normal start of working time.

  • End of Working Day

  Set the normal end of working day time.

  • Show Lunch Break Button - for more information see Lunch Breaks

  • Show Smoko Break Button - for more information see Smoko Breaks.

Clicking on the Advanced button (see highlighted below) 

Will display Advanced Time Sheet Settings as follows:


The following can be set

  • Clock In Time Roll Forward and Roll Back

This allows Employee Clock In and Out times to be rounded to the nearest 15 minutes.  For example if an Employee Clocked In at 30 minutes and 17 seconds after 7:00 a.m. Empower Time Track records this time as 7:30:17 a.m.  However if you choose you can round this to 7:30 a.m.

Clock in Time Roll Forward – This sets the cut off time (in minutes) that Clock In times will be rolled forward or backwards to the quarter hour. For example, if the number is 5, then any Employee clocking in at 6:56 a.m. (4 minutes before the quarter hour) would have the Clock In Time recorded at 7:00 a.m. However if the Employee clocked in at 6:54 a.m. (6 minutes before) then the Clock In Time would be recorded at 6:45 a.m.  This should be set between 0 and 14.

Clock Out Time Roll Back – This sets the cut off time (in minutes) that Clock Out times will be rolled forward or backwards to the quarter hour.  For example if the number is 5, then any Employee clocking out at 5:04 p.m. would have the Clock Out time recorded at 5:00 p.m. However if the Employee clocked out at 5:06 p.m. then the Clock Out time would be recorded at 5:15 p.m. This should be set between 0 and 14.

If you do not wish to have the Clock In and Out Times altered (i.e. you wish to have the actual times the Employee Clocks In reflected in Empower Time Track) put a zero in the Clock In Time Roll Forward and Clock In Time Roll Back fields.

  • Hours Per 30 Minute Break

This sets the number of hours that an Employee needs to work before Empower Time Track automatically deducts half an hour for a lunch break. For example if the number is 6, then any Employee who has worked greater than 6 hours will automatically have a half hour deducted for lunch.

Note this does not take it off the Log In and Log Out times.

  • Show Rework Button - for more information see Rework.

See Also
Time Card Parameters
Hiding the Green Clock In Button
Hiding the Enter password if required field

See also