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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Jobs > View Jobs Due Each Week

View Jobs Due Each Week

To view Jobs sorted by their Job Required Date, from the Main Menu go to Job > Jobs Due Each Week

You should see a page similar to


The Jobs Due Each Week page has the following functionality available:

1. This page can be printed by right clicking on Print this Page at the bottom of the page - see highlighted below


2.  Each Job is displayed on the day of its Required By Date

3.  Jobs can be dragged and dropped from one day to another.  This automatically alters the Required By Date and all Scheduled dates for Tasks in that Job if the Tasks are is scheduled.  For more information on Scheduling see Scheduling.

4.  Jobs can be added to a day. To do this, click on a day that has no Jobs.  You will be prompted  for the Job to add (see highlighted below)


5.  The default colors of the Job shows its status - white is Yet to Start, green is either Active or On Hold and red is Finished. 

      Its possible to display Jobs  by Job Color - see Job Color Tags and also by Customer color - see Customer Color Tags.


 6.  If there are more Jobs due on a day than can be viewed on the page, the page will display the additional number of Jobs due on that day (see highlighted in yellow below)


Clicking on the number will display the additional Job Numbers (see highlighted below)


7.  If there are large numbers of Jobs for any given day you can also view the Jobs in a weekly view rather than in a monthly view.  To do this, at the top right hand side of the page select the Week button (see highlighted below)


This will display the Jobs for each week - see below


8.     Clicking on a Job will display the following menu


This allows you to 

-  View the Job page - for more information see Viewing Jobs    

-  Move the Job - this is similar to drag and dropping a Job

-  Dispatch a Job - for more information  - see Dispatching Jobs

    Note that all Dispatched Jobs will be displayed in this page in a similar manner to below.


-  View the Job Notes - see Job Notes.

9.   Weekends can be hidden or displayed in Tools > Settings - for more information see Hide Weekends.

10. To alter the data that is displayed (for example if you would like to see the Customer name or some other information) see Adding Fields to Jobs Due Each Week.  

11. To view the older (i.e. classic) format of this page, at the bottom of the page, click on the View in classic mode button (see highlighted below)


12.  Company Vacations will be visible in these pages, for more information see Vacations and Scheduling.

13.   The default view for this page can be set to be either weekly or monthly.

To set this, from the Main Management Menu, select Tools > Settings.

Select the Calendar tab on the left hand side and then select either Month or Week from the drop down list (see highlighted below).


See Also
Job Color Tags

See also